Even if we don’t consider a person’s age, losing or misplacing something is almost a daily affair in our lives. Even the most organized of persons often face this scenario. First off, it is two completely different things to say “I’ve lost my car key” and “I lost my car key and have no spare ones” – the latter sounds like the coming of an expensive-looking headache nobody asked for.

Furthermore, having no spares available to yourself, the lockout situation is something nobody wants to experience; due to the fruitless and time-consuming nature of its existence. Now then, crying over spoiled milk will not do anyone any good – it never had and never will. Therefore, prepare yourself, with a sane mind preferably, to undergo specific measures that will enable you to overcome this unwanted predicament; suffice to say, nobody asks for those predicaments. People find themselves in them.


keep clam

Blaming yourself will not be of any worth. You can admonish yourself all you want after you’ve successfully retrieved the lost car key; however, at this moment, a calm state of mind is of importance. It is easier said than done, yet coming close will also do good. Panic is the first instinctual response in these circumstances, but it will just hinder the process of a thorough and focused search of your lost car keys. Unfortunately, a sense of calm is often ignored when people confront these kinds of dilemmas. Being locked out of your car is not a fun situation to be in. Still, a frustrated mind will only lead to unnecessary and futile actions.

1. Determine The Type Of Car Key

Not in the distant past; car keys didn’t have many variations. With the progress of technology, there came an era of keyless entry in cars; everything connected remotely, wireless networks booming, and people started getting more frank with passwords and such. Not all keys are universal. Therefore if you lose the existing key to your car, without any spare, you might have to think a little much about what kind of key you want in your hand, so as not to let it happen again.

At the present moment, there are only three kinds of car keys available –

Types of car key

  • Traditional car keys
  • Transponder keys
  • Keyless entry remote

If you’ve lost the car keys, traditional ones are the easiest to be made again, without altering the inner working of a vehicle. And a simple locksmith is all you need in this case. However, transponder keys came into the market in the 90s. Since then, they have also been modified to be more accessible. Much different than a traditional key, a transponder key takes the pairing between the car and the key to a much more heightened level of security.

However, if they are ever lost without a spare one to turn to, it will cause the incoming of some extreme measures to compensate. And finally, there’s a keyless entry remote, popularly known as key fobs. These are the present-day car keys of the modern world, fused with transponder keys. However, if ever lost, this one will cost quite much money; since a simple locksmith will not be able to finish the job, and ultimately the car has to be towed to the nearest dealership.

Losing your car keys is an occurrence of day-to-day existence. The trick is, however, not to let yourself be down if it occurs. After assessing the situation you’re in, commence doing what any sane person would do. Below is a list of steps you can follow if you ever find yourself stuck in this pickle.

2. Search The Area Again Without Panicking

The simple act of maintaining your composure gives you the ability to assess your surroundings again properly. “I lost my car keys” is a phrase pronounced every day, all around the world, without fail. And you’re no exception. Paranoia creeps in, and the brain decides to go in overdrive. All these points towards a false sense of perception. Search a place thoroughly, not repeatedly. Just because something is always supposed to be at a particular place doesn’t mean it is there every time you look for them.

Car keys are one of the essential things a person carries if he/she owns a vehicle. That person CAN make a mistake every once in a while, since “to err is human…” Furthermore, there’s a certain tendency in humans to “misplace” something from their usual place of being and write it off as being “lost.” For this reason, your surroundings should be thoroughly searched first before you conclude that your car keys are officially lost because there’s always a faint chance that you might have placed them somewhere else and forgot if this proves fruitful. Congrats! You just saved yourself both time and money.

3. Check The Car Itself

After you’ve entirely convinced yourself that your car keys are lost, and searched the places around you properly with a sane mind, (mind you, the surroundings can include places you’ve been to that day or the day before; such as your house, office, club, restaurant, etc.) the next place to check is the car itself. Forgetfulness is a common enemy of mankind, and car owners are no exception. In most cases, this lockout situation occurs when people forget the key INSIDE the car. In such a scenario, a local locksmith can save your sorry self by retrieving the keys. No need for worrying anymore.

4. Choose Your Own Savior

The circumstance you’ve placed yourself in is a hassle. And money will flow, in both cases – a professional locksmith or a car dealership. There’s a possible third way as well, but everyone cannot benefit from it. That is the acquaintance of a friendly face in the car business. But as stated above, everyone doesn’t have this privilege. Therefore, it is clear that locksmiths charge less, whereas car dealerships charge much more. Another factor is, a locksmith can do his assigned task to a certain degree. If the keys are state of the art and ultimately lost, the help of an Authorized car dealership is the only way out.

5. Provide The Necessary Information To Your Savior

key maker

If you are not fortunate enough to land yourself in the scenarios stated above, the following situations tend to get a little more complicated. And these circumstances require professionals – such as trained locksmiths or the car dealership. But, for them to help you, you have to give the correct details about your vehicle, such as Vehicle Identification Number, model, year of purchase, etc. These bits of information will allow them to narrow down the type of car you have and assist you in the most efficient way possible.

6. Consider Value For Money

Remember, this is something you don’t do every once in a while. And more importantly, don’t get swayed by the cost of things. Remind yourself constantly that after this slight mishap, and the money invested in this misfortune, you need a functioning key to last a good deal of time. Your car and its key form an integral part of your life, and valuing that shouldn’t be a liability

lost car key

Remember, do not let your brain function over time. You know backup is just a call away; accordingly, these actions will only accelerate the process of you finding your car keys and, along with it, your mental equilibrium.

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